Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hello's been so long

that I have posted and no excuses, really, just real life got in the way. I'm back to dyeing fabrics and I'm taking turns saying "wow, that's great" and "I wouldn't even line a bird cage with that!" There are very talented people that I've contacted and they've been kind and sent me helpful hints, but it really a matter of plowing through.

I've been doing low-immersion dyeing, ice dyeing, regular (is there such a thing?) dyeing and let's not forget shibori.  If I was braver I would photograph my hands. Sometimes I forget the gloves even though I have several pair laying all around my dye area (also know as the laundry area).

Could this be called "multi-tasking"? I'm doing shibori on a pvc pipe and doing some "snow" dyeing. Of course, there is no snow yet so I'm using ice cubes.

I try to lightly sprinkle tiny amounts of the dye powder on the ice cubes. Some dye powders are more granular and easier to deal with than the others that like to clump together.  Note: always wear a dust mask or a respirator and gloves. Leave the container of soda ash soaked (and wrung out) fabric with the ice cubes on top for the whole day. Try to find a spot where it's at least 70 degrees or warmer. As for the shibori, I squirted dye from squeeze bottles and let it drip over a pan.  You can wrap it with Saran wrap for a few hours. It's hard not to peek, I know.

With both of these, when you are done, remember you have to rinse (and rinse) in cold water until it runs clear and then wash it (in your machine) with hot water and Sythropol. Get ready for awesome!

These are small containers and I used fat quarters kinda crammed in.

This is one result of the "snow dyeing". There is lots of great info on the internet to help us out.

Here are some good ones. The ugly and dubious went into another pile. All that white fabric under the dyed pieces will be ripped up into fat quarters and maybe I'll do some half yard pieces, too. Why not, every one needs a challenge!

Well, I'm out the door, discovered a new, fun consignment shop.

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