Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's been too long to even mention...

so I will just say "hi, it's great to be back".

Have you noticed the growing popularity in refashioned, re purposed, eco-friendly clothing? Kat Wise is very popular with her colorful sweater coats. Her coats are over the top and beautiful, and she seems to have started quite a trend. So, of course, with a newish serger that I've had a love/hate relationship with I had to try making a sweater coat.

The colors I picked aren't my usual go-to colors, but I'm happy with the results.
It's a wrap front with hooks and eyes inside, plus the tie at the waist and the two ties at the collar that are hanging. It's about 99% serged.

The hood ended up in the scrap pile and I opted for a collar instead.  The sweaters are all from the thrift shops (lotsa trips). I washed them several times on the delicate cycle. By the way, do put each sweater in a pillowcase and tie it up when you wash them because you won't believe the lint! Then I took them out of the pillowcases when I put them into the drier, also on the delicate cycle.

All the sweaters are wool and one or two ended up as a perfect sweater for a Barbie doll, but  overall they turned out great.

Actually, it's too cold to wear it right now (this is Michigan wintertime), but I have high hopes that in a few weeks the weather will be perfect.

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